Trough this
blog, I would like to allow people to discover the aviation world. I'm part of
that world for now more than 3years and it never ceases to amaze me.
Give a
foretaste to the wannabe pilot, share my experience with the old owls or just
simply keep a written trace of my life since the beginning of the journey, this
is my goal.
september 2010 - April 2011
The private
pilot licence. The small door leading to the big playgrounds, the little base
on which will soon stands most of our knowledge. I'm taking my first steps in
the head office of the school in Charleroi during the summer break 2010.
Amazing !A brand new world, filled with training planes and uniforms
everywhere. The setting is pleasant and the objective of the school is clear ;
Sell dream and bring fresh meat in the company. A gamble that paid off ! A few
weeks later, I'm visiting the building in Liège and filling the paper of
The course
began on the 21frst. A theoretical formation of 6months during which we are
going to learn the very basis of the general aviation :
meteo,navigation,technics,legislation...The subject matter wasn't that hard.
Course given 3times a week during the evening, with a bit of willingness, and
the weeks passed very quickly. We were more than 24 for the first course ! For
technical reasons, they were given in the airport's terminal. No need to say
that, when a cargo carrier from TNT took off runway 23L during one of our
performance lesson, everyone was dreaming with sparks in the eye. The soft roar
of a jet turbine is still the best song to my hears today !
Some thirty
years-old with a job and a family, wishing to follow that old dream to be a
pilot even just for pleasure. Then us, a few young guys, barely 19 years old,
freshly graduated from highschool with a good formation in sciences and english
for the most part. We are more motivated than ever, looking forward for those
few months of training that promised to be long and exciting ! We are the
'little' in this class of grown men and yet we impose ourself as the most
determinated. Nevertheless, after just a few months, the motivation of certain
is rapidly going down and a thing is already sur ; Some of us will not make it
to the end. Indeed, after the six months of formation, several student didn't
show up or simply stopped the training. With the examinations coming, a few
more will leave the boat. On a class of nearly 25students, half of them will
continue the adventure either on distance learning or nightschool.
The PPL that
was, from my point of view, a simple appetizer compared to what was coming, has
already caused some damages. Whatever, I passed the examination in Bruxelles
with success and I envisage taking the practical examination serenely. But,
from those first 6months of training, I learnt a very important thing ;
everyone for himself and God fos us all. The competition is always present and
everyone wants to be the best.
practical training, as in many schools and aeroclub, was given on Cessna150. Light
aircraft single engine pistons, simple and efficient. 1600lbs of maximum take
off mass (MTOM) or approximately 725kgs for an empty mass of 503kgs (1111lbs).
Cruising round 90kts, those old birds were dedicated to the training of
student. Low maintenance cost, simplicity and stability were some qualities
very appreciated for the training.
My very
first flights were quiet a bit chaotic ! I began the flight training with
Quentin L., airline pilot that I warmly welcome for his time and knowledge. The
weather beeing very bad for our first flight together and a high voltage
warning light during the second, forced
us to stay on the ground and filled my logbook with one complete hour of taxi !
I certainly know how to taxi now, but have no idea how to actually fly the
aircraft... The 30 october, we finally took off runway 23L for an initiation
flight overhead Romeo, north of the airport. I'm trying to find my marks in the
cockpit, understand how the aircraft reacts to my input and so on...Flight
after flight, I'm getting a little bit more confident.
Before being
released for my first solo flight, I changed instructor. Ludovic D.,who is the
main instructor for the training in Liège, took my under his wing and taught me
a lot of things. The current flows between us and he is one of my best friend
today. Solo flight approved after a little bit less than 10hours, my wingmates
in the circuit are some F16 passing by to salute their colleagues for their
last day at the tower. Liège was a military base, becoming fully civil late
2010. A very nice day that will be stuck in my mind for years ! The next phase
of the training is the navigation, I was often the first one to fly early in
the morning, round 8am. Some little rides around the Belgian border, Ludovic
tried to show me all the little airfields in the vicinity. The winter slowed
the formation and I'm finally taking the final check, last intern check before
the official examination. I had the opportunity to meet someone that will teach
me a lot of things in the futur ; Fabian V. He is flying Citation II & III
today as captain in Belgium. He gave us Principle Of Flight and Operationnal
Procedures during the Atpl Course too. During this check, he gave me some
really good advices. One that still resonates trough my mind was that I
shouldn't choose a school from his CEO or site manager, but from the instructor
that are working within it. From my little experience, he was totally right ! I
did fine during the check and I am finally PPL on the 29th of april after
2hours and 12minutes of flight.
I finish my
first module with a sensation of a big lack, the willing to know more and go
further, to see more and learn even more. But there is a time for everything,
the big part is coming, the turning point itself ; The ATPL.
On final for the 23L in Liège with a strong crosswind. |
ATPL : Airline Transport Pilot Licence, or the theoretical knowledge needed to continue the formation.
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